The Leader of the Future: New Visions, Strategiesand Practices for the Next Era (The Drucker Foundation Future Series)
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More About This Title The Leader of the Future: New Visions, Strategiesand Practices for the Next Era (The Drucker Foundation Future Series)


FRANCES HESSELBEIN is chairman of the board of governors of the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management and editor in chief of its journal, Leader to Leader. She was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States of America's highest civilian honor, in 1998. MARSHALL GOLDSMITH is a founding director of Keilty, Goldsmith and Company, one of America's key providers of customized leadership development. He is a cofounder of the Learning Network, an association of the world's top consultants. RICHARD BECKHARD is an organization development consultant, author of six books, and former professor at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Part I: Leading the Organization of the Future
1. The New Language of Organizing and Its Implications for Leaders Charles Handy
2. Leading the De-Jobbed Organization William Bridges
3. Leading from the Grass Roots Sally Helgesen
4. Creating Organizations with Many Leaders Gifford Pinchot
5. Leading Learning Organizations: The Bold, the Powerful, and the Invisible Peter M. Senge
6. Leadership and Organizational Culture Edgar H. Schein
7. Leading a Diverse Work Force John W. Work
8. Turning the Organizational Pyramid Upside Down Ken Blanchard
Part II: Future Leaders in Action
9. World-Class Leaders: The Power of Partnering Rosabeth Moss Kanter
10. Seven Lessons for Leading the Voyage to the Future James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner
11. Leaders Who Shape and Keep Performance-Oriented Culture James L. Heskett, Leonard A. Schlesinger
12. The "How to Be" Leader Frances Hesselbein
13. On Future Leaders Richard Beckhard
14. Peacetime Management and Wartime Leadership Judith M. Bardwick
15. A Recipe for Glue David M. Noer
Part III: Learning to Lead for Tomorrow
16. Three Roles of the Leader in the New Paradigm Stephen R. Covey
17. Developing Three-Dimensional Leaders James F. Bolt
18. New Skills for New Leadership Roles Caela Farren, Beverly L. Kaye
19. The Ultimate Leadership Task: Self-Leadership Richard J. Leider
20. The Following Part of Leading Douglas K. Smith
21. Credibility X Capability Dave Ulrich
22. Learning from Past Leaders Warren Wilhelm
23. Ask, Learn, Follow Up, and Grow Marshall Goldsmith
Part IV: Executives on the Future of Leadership
24. The Leader Who Serves C. William Pollard
25. A Constitutional Model of Leadership Alfred C. DeCrane, Jr.
26. Either/Or Yields to the Theory of Both Alex Mandl, Deepak Sethi
27. Key Leadership Challenges for Present and Future Executives William C. Steere, Jr.
28. Energy and Leadership William N. Plamondon
29. The Puzzles of Leadership Steven M. Bornstein, Anthony F. Smith
30. An "Outsider's" View of Leadership Sara E. Melendez
31. Growing Tomorrow's Leaders George B. Weber


"An exciting exposition of numerous ideas on leadership that can nourish the reader spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally. The book is richer for its contributions from diverse leadership thinkers--academics, consultants, and practitioners.... It can offer a challenge to the reader wishing to become more like the leaders whom these numerous authors profile." -Academy of Management Executive

"The Leader of the Future is a thought-provoking collection of essays that gets readers up to speed on the most important trends facing today's leaders. It's a one-stop shopping guide that shows how leaders can be successful." -Training & Development