Digital Photography Simplified
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More About This Title Digital Photography Simplified


1 Getting Ready to Take Pictures.

Set Up Your LCD for Optimum Use.

Viewfinder or LCD — Which to Use?

Choose a Resolution and File Type.

Choose a Memory Card.

Hold the Camera for Sharpness.

Choose a Program Mode.

Using Your Camera's Autofocus.

2 Taking a Better Picture through Composition.

Simple Pictures Work Best.

Get Close to Your Subject.

Find a Foreground.

Watch Your Background.

The Rule of Thirds.

When Centered Is Good.

Where Heads Belong.

Watch Your Edges.

Shoot Verticals and Horizontals.

3 Using Light to Your Advantage.

See the Light.

Shadows Are Important.

Light Can Hurt Your Photos (What to Avoid).

Low Front Light Can Be Beautiful.

Make Textures Show Up with Sidelight.

Separate with Backlight.

Add Impact with Spotlight.

Turn On Your Flash When the Light Is Harsh.

Time of Day Changes the Light.

Try Out Night Light.

4 Understanding Exposure and White Balance.

What Your Camera Meter Does.

The Problem of Underexposure.

The Problem of Overexposure.

Correct Exposure Problems.

What Is White Balance?

When to Use Auto White Balance.

When to Use Definite White Balance Settings.

Using White Balance Settings Creatively.

5 Choosing Shutter Speed and F-Stop.

Control Exposure with Shutter Speed and F-Stop.

Stop Action with Fast Shutter Speeds.

Blur Action with Slow Shutter Speeds.

Increase Depth-of-Field with Small F-Stops.

Create Shallow Depth-of-Field with Large F-Stops.

ISO Settings Affect Exposure Choices.

6 Getting Maximum Sharpness.

Minimize Camera Movement.

Focus on the Most Important Part of the Subject.

Choose F-Stop or Shutter Speed for Appropriate Sharpness.

Get Maximum Sharpness with a Tripod.

Get Sharpness with Other Camera Supports.

7 Getting the Most from a Lens.

Get a Big View with a Wide Angle.

Get a Tight View with a Telephoto.

Zoom for Best Compositions.

Choose Focal Lengths for Different Subjects.

Closeups and Lenses.

Focal Length and People Photographs.

How to Buy New Lenses.

8 Indoor and Night Light Plus Flash.

Deal with Artificial Light.

Correct Color with White Balance.

Using Appropriate Shutter Speed Technique.

Brace the Camera for Sharpness.

Understand How Flash Works.

Dealing with Red-Eye.

Avoid Flash Shadow Problems.

Bounce Your Flash for More Natural Light.

9 Editing and Organizing Your Photos.

Import Photos to Your Computer.

Organize Photos on a Hard Drive.

Back Up Photos on a Second Drive.

Using Photoshop Elements to Organize Photos.

Using ACDSee to Browse and Edit Photos.

Using ACDSee to Organize Photos.

Edit the Good from the Bad.

Using ACDSee to Rename Your Photos.

Create Quick Slide Shows with ACDSee.

10 Basic Adjustments with Photoshop Elements.

How Elements Is Arranged.

You Cannot Hurt Your Photos.

Crop Your Photos for Better Images.

Fix Crooked Horizons.

Fix Gray Photos.

Make Dark Photos Brighter.

Correct Color Easily.

Try Black-and-White.

Size the Picture for Printing.

Size Photos for E-mail.

Sharpen the Image.

11 Additional Controls with Photoshop Elements.

Using Selections to Isolate Adjustments.

Modify Your Selections.

Increase Color Saturation without Problems.

Darken Specific Areas of a Photo.

Lighten Specific Areas of a Photo.

Darken Edges for a Traditional Look.

Clone Effectively.

What Layers Are About.

12 Printing Photos.

Start with a Good Photo for a Good Print.

Calibrate the Monitor.

Using Photo Printers with Elements.

Set the Printer Driver Correctly.

Make the Right Paper Choice.

Make a Good Print.

Add Text to a Print.
