The New Retirementality, 3rd Edition: Planning Your Life and Living Your Any Age You Want
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  • Wiley

More About This Title The New Retirementality, 3rd Edition: Planning Your Life and Living Your Any Age You Want


Mitch Anthony is the founder and President of, whose companies include Advisor Insights Inc. and The Financial Life Planning Institute. He also writes and hosts the syndicated radio feature The Daily Dose. Anthony was named one of the financial service industry's top "Movers & Shakers" by Financial Planning magazine. Visit to complete your own New Retirementality Profile.




Part I. Out with the Old.

Chapter 1. What "Retire" Meant: The End of Retirement as We Know It.

Chapter 2. The End of Social Insecurity and Other Retirement Fears.

Chapter 3. A Short History of Retirement.

Chapter 4. The Great “Retiremyths”.

Chapter 5. End of the Work/Retire Ultimatum.

Part II. A New Way of Thinking.

Chapter 6. Work May Always Be a Part of Your Life.

Chapter 7. You're Old Only When You Think You Are.

Chapter 8. Staying Connected to the World.

Chapter 9. You Don't Have to Be 62 to Do What You Want to Do.

Chapter 10. Don't Settle for a Lukewarm Life.

Chapter 11. How Much Is Your Paycheck Costing You?

Chapter 12. More Than an Economic Event.

Chapter 13. Making a Meaningful Transition.

Part III. New Retirementality Solutions.

Chapter 14. Retire on Purpose.

Chapter 15. Your Money and Your Life.

Chapter 16. It's Not Just about Me.

Chapter 17. Maslow Meets Retirement.

Chapter 18. Calculating Income for Life: Working through Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in Your Financial Plan.

Chapter 19. Making Your Money Last.

Chapter 20. Wealth-Care Checkup: Facing Investment Reality.

Chapter 21. Finding the Right Wealth-Building Partner.

Chapter 22. Giving Your Life Away.


