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More About This Title HARLAN'S RACE


In 1974, The Front Runner was published, a novel of love and loss that became a best-loved classic about gay life. Now, twenty years later, comes the sequel - a story of passion, and victory pulled from defeat.
After his young athlete lover is assassinated on the Olympic track in Montreal, coach Harlan Brown is forced to enter the race of his life. To survive the hate and violence which threaten his chosen family - Betsy, valiant lesbian mother, Vince, angry activist seeking revenge, Chino, Vietnam vet with a wounded heart, and the secret child of Billy Sive, The Front Runner.

In time, a second chance at love comes. Vince Matti, 25, a runner who was Billy's best friend, has harbored an unrequited passion for his ex-Marine coach. Handsome, volatile, and passionate, Vince challenges Harlan's stoic and lonely heart in unimagined ways. Harlan must race with the shadow of the past - that memory of the brief idyll with Billy - and reach a present where love is enduring and real.

Meanwhile, Harlan's ordeal with bias and bloodshed is not over. Snipers often work in pairs, and the Montreal shooter evidently had a cohort who escaped arrest. This mysterious stalker moves implacably into Harlan's world. And yet another stalker is moving into gay life - a disease that has no name. As events move to the climax, Harlan runs the most desperate race of his life - risking everything to win the victory torn from his hands at Montreal.

Chinese (Traditional)

文斯‧馬諦,25歲的田徑選手,曾經是比利的好朋友, 對著哈蘭有超乎尋常的熱情。英俊熱情的文斯以無法想像的方式挑戰著哈蘭孤寂的心。

Chinese (Simplified)

文斯‧马谛,25岁的田径选手,曾经是比利的好朋友, 对着哈兰有超乎寻常的热情。英俊热情的文斯以无法想象的方式挑战着哈兰孤寂的心。


Patricia Nell Warren is the landmark author of some of the most popular gay novels of all time. Each of her books has been a milestone in America’s understanding and acceptance of GBLT themes. Her most beloved work, The Front Runner, has sold an estimated ten million copies in ten languages. The first modern story about gay love to become an international bestseller, Warren’s celebrated saga of an ex-Marine track coach and his Olympics-bound athlete has engaged and inspired both gay and mainstream readers for over a quarter of a century. Warren’s novels have also sold heavily to libraries and are used in numerous college courses. Wildcat Press is Ms. Warren’s exclusive imprint, offering some of the best in enduring gay literature. Established in 1993, the dynamic independent publisher has released both past and present bestsellers, winning it critical acclaim. Current titles include, The Front Runner, Billy’s Boy, Harlan’s Race, The Fancy Dancer, The Beauty Queen, One Is The Sun, and The Wild Man. Dedicated to furthering free speech, Wildcat Press has been one of the plaintiffs for the ACLU in several recent landmark lawsuits, two of which went to the United States Supreme Court. Wildcat maintains that we are all one community regardless of race, creed, or sexual orientation, and that tolerance brings understanding and acceptance.

Chinese (Traditional)

派翠西亞‧瓦倫(Patricia Nell Warren)
為當代暢銷同志議題小說的指標性作者。每部作品都反映了美國對同志議題的了解與包容力。其最受讀者的作品《風速王子》,為第一部以現代為背景的同志戀情小說,全球銷量高達千萬冊。1993年獨力成立野貓出版社(Wildcat Press)出版質量俱佳的同志議題文學作品。

Chinese (Simplified)

派翠西亚‧瓦伦(Patricia Nell Warren)
为当代畅销同志议题小说的指标性作者。每部作品都反映了美国对同志议题的了解与包容力。其最受读者的作品《风速王子》,为第一部以现代为背景的同志恋情小说,全球销量高达千万册。1993年独力成立野猫出版社(Wildcat Press)出版质量俱佳的同志议题文学作品。

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