Electronic Display Measurement: Concepts, Techniques, and Instrumentation
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Electronic Display Measurement: Concepts, Techniques, and Instrumentation


From television to computers to coffee makers to aircraft cockpits and more, displays play an important role in our everyday life. This book describes practical techniques and instrumentation for the measurement of these displays, as well as common pitfalls that result from errors.


PETER KELLER is an engineer at Tektronix, Inc. in Beaverton, Oregon. He is the former chairman of the EIA JT-20 Display CRT Standards Committee and of the Society for Information Display Definitions and Standards Committee. Mr. Keller is the author of numerous papers, articles, and a previous book, The Cathode-Ray Tube: Technology, History, and Applications.


Light and Color.

Light Sources, Filters, and Detectors.


Measurement Instrumentation.

Luminance and Contrast Measurement.

Color Measurement.

Resolution Measurement.

Geometry Measurements.

Time- Related Measurements.


Display and Related Standards.

