Brand Vision - How to Energize Your Team to DriveBusiness Growth
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David Taylor's third book lifts the lid on why so many brand visioning projects end in failure: an overly theoretical and complex approach he calls 'strategy tourism'. By contrast, his straightforward, no-nonsense programme will ensure that you end up with an inspiring vision and a hands-on action plan to drive growth.

Designed in a highly practical format, brandvision shows how to lead your team on a step-by-step 'visioning journey' that builds engagement, energy and alignment. Powerful tips, tools and tricks help you start applying the principles to your business today:

  • Searching for true insight: creating a springboard for visioning by using different 'insight catalysts' that cover consumers, markets and competition
  • The visioning journey: creating a compelling brand purpose, a big idea and a rallying call; combining product 'sausage' and emotional 'sizzle'
  • Test-driving the vision: bringing the vision to life by exploring it within your business and with consumers
  • Brand-led business: translating the vision into a business building mix that covers 'hero product' innovation, communication and internal engagement

Thought-provoking and irreverent, brandvision demonstrates all the dos and don'ts of brand visioning with many stories of success (and screw-ups) including T-Mobile, Dove, Porsche, Absolut and James Bond. It is an invaluable toolkit for anyone interested in rethinking a brand vision - whatever its shape or size.


David Taylor is Founder and Managing Partner of thebrandgym, a network of brand coaches that helps teams develop an inspiring vision and the action plans to turn it into growth.
David was recently named by the CIM as one of the world’s 50 top marketing thinkers. He has worked with many acclaimed companies including T-Mobile, Unilever, Kraft, the BBC and SAB Miller to help them boost performance. He began in brand management with P&G before completing an MBA at INSEAD, France. He then started and successfully grew the Paris office of Added Value, Europe’s leading marketing consultancy (now part of WPP).
David is the author of two previous books. His first, thebrandgym, quickly became’s best-selling branding title; his sequel, brandstretch, was the world’s first and only focused examination of brand extension. He is a regular speaker at conferences and in the media, having written for publications including The Guardian, Marketing, Market Leader, Brand Strategy and Marketing Business.


Warning: Don’t Read This Book.


brandgym network.

The Oscar Acceptance Speech.

Introduction: be a brand CEO, not a strategy tourist.

We’re busy. Do we really need a vision?

Why so much strategy sucks.

The strategy tourism guidebook.

The T-Mobile story.

Fits all sizes and shapes.

Over to you.

Checklist: Introduction.


1. Create an insight springboard.


Competition: what market are we really in?

Consumer: opening the door to your brand.

Brand: look back, look forward.

Company: where should we fish for growth?.

Checklist 1: Create an insight springboard.


2. What are you going to fight for?

Bland not brand.

The brand manifesto.

Writing the story of your brand.

Checklist 2: What are you going to fight for?

3. Where’s the sausage?


Back to why brands were born.

The power of the product.

Searching for truth.

Sharpening the vision.

Checklist 3: Where’s the sausage?

4. Sizzle that sells.

Leave the ladder in the garage.

Pasta sauce or Prada?

Selling your product story.

The Geek Squad.

Brand personality devices.

Bringing your personality to life.

Put some pizzaz in your personality.

Checklist 4: Sizzle that sells.


5. Big brand ideas beat brand essence.

What’s the big idea?

Your brand story takes shape.

Eureka moments.

Checklist 5: Big brand ideas.


6. Test drive the vision.

Consumers are not marketing directors.

Think less, do more.

Exploration has its limits.

Bring your vision to life.

Getting the most out of research.

Time to sign up.

Make it real.

Checklist 6: Test drive the vision.


7. Beyond brandwashing to true engagement.


Focus on fundamentals.

Step 1: Hire the right people and treat them right.

Step 2: Make it easier to do the right thing.

Step 3: Lead by example.

Step 4: Sell the cake not the recipe.

The 5-month itch.

Checklist 7: Beyond brandwashing to true engagement.

8. Create hero products.

Kill the dwarves.

Start close to home.

iPod: the hero of a new vision.

Virtual venture capital.

Elastic brands.

Family ties.

Checklist 8: Create hero products.

9. Communicating without ego tripping.

Brand ego tripping: the movie.

Getting a killer mix.

Design: The face of your new vision.

Communication with cut-through.

When you hit gold . . . .

The Tyskie turnaround.

Checklist 9: Communicating without ego tripping.

Brand Vision to Action Toolkit.

brandgym network.




"…what Taylor has done…is set out a process to achieve exactly what the book says: create a brand vision…" (Brand Strategy, March 2007)