A New Beginning for Pastors and Congregations: Building an Excellent Match Upon Your Shared Strengths
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  • Wiley

More About This Title A New Beginning for Pastors and Congregations: Building an Excellent Match Upon Your Shared Strengths


This wise and practical guide provides clear insight for both pastors and congregations on how to begin a healthy, productive new pastorate or make a fresh start in an ongoing ministry. Author Kennon L. Callahan, today's most sought-after church consultant, has conferred with thousands of pastors and congregations, helping them discover their strengths and gifts and showing them how to work together in service to their community and mission. Here he offers fresh suggestions on how pastors and congregations can ensure a solid future together, whether they are newly beginning or beginning again.


KENNON L. CALLAHAN, , the noted author of many books, is best known for the celebrated Twelve Keys to an Effective Church, which has formed the basis for the widely acclaimed movement of mission growth.




Beginning the First Day.

Growing Excellent Matches.

A Good Shepherd Visits.

Possibilities for Visiting.

Visiting Your Way to Helpful Preaching.

Leadership Starts Now.

Being a Community Pastor.

Having Fun.

Discovering Your Team.

Growing Your Team.

Developing Your Future.

The Author.
