Ramesside Translations - Translated and Annotated Translations V 3 - Ramesses II, HisContempories
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More About This Title Ramesside Translations - Translated and Annotated Translations V 3 - Ramesses II, HisContempories


This volume presents a vast number of monuments and documents from almost all levels of Egyptian society during the long reign of Ramesses II.


K A Kitchen is a retired Professor of Egyptology in the University of Liverpool, where he taught for over 30 years. During that time, he worked extensively in Egypt, recording the texts for the hieroglyphic edition of Ramesside Inscriptions, I-VIII (Blackwell, 1969-1990), that is the basis for the Translations and Notes and Comments volumes now being issued. He has also produced a major book on Egyptian chronology for later Egypt (1100-650 BC), a classic popular "Life and Times" of Ramesses II, and a comprehensive Catalogue of the notable Egyptian collection in Rio de Janeiro; other books on archaeology and the Bible; and the first of a series on Ancient (pre-Islamic) Arabia, besides innumerable articles and reviews. He has lectured worldwide in these various spheres of enquiry.


Abbreviations and Sigla.




Category I: Viziers.

1. Theban Tomb 106; brick, MMA.14.426/7.

2. Delta Monument: Qantir, Louvre E.25980, Vleeshius.

3. Memphis, Middle Egypt: Cairo CGC 630; Abydos, pen-case, L'poo.

4. Medamud & E. Thebes: BM954; cair, JdE 38062, CGC 42164.

5. W. Thebes, Excluding Deir el-Medina: Philadelphia E. 534+(14-15); BM 687 (15); CGC 561 (15-16); Copenhagen AEIN 50 (17); Wadiyein, graffiti (17-18); Tombs 93, 311, graffiti (18); stelae, W. Thebes, Copenhagen AEIN 1553 (18).

6. Deir el-Medina, stelae: Turin Cat. 50095, 50116, 50149; Boston MFA 09.287, etc.

7. Deir el-Medina, stature, set of swallows.

8. Deir El-Medina, architectural elements, Khenu, etc.

9. Deir el-Medina, draft titles, correspondence, etc.

10. Southern Upper Egypt: Silsila, Sehel, epigraphs.

11. Unplaced stelae: Vatican fragment.

12. Unplaced statues: BM 510, tell Roba, etc.

13. Minor Objects: Berlin 17276, 19742, Louvre, Ward, Turin, UCL.

14. Funerary Objects: CGC 4325, 4326, Berlin 367, UCL 93-95.

15. Northern Monuments Megiddo, Qantir, Abydos.

16. E. Thebes, statuary: CGC 42165, 42166.

17. W. Thebes, statuary: CGC 42165, 42166.

18. Deir el-Medina, statue-base, stela Turin 50098.

19. Deir el-Medina, drafts, correspondence, etc.

20. W. Silsila in Speos: Dedication, titles.

21. Statuary: CGC 713, 1034.

22. W. Silsila, scene in Speos.

23. Lesser Monuments: BM 108; Berlin 2290; pyramidion, Liverpool; O CGC 25747; UCL; Amherst; BM 4104; Brugsch.

24. Cairo stela JdE 19775; Brussels canopic jar, AE. 5901.; cross-references.

25. Delta, Memphis: Munich, G1. 287; Cairo J. 48845; Saqqara; BM 183.

26. Sedment, statuary, stela, tomb, burial-goods: CC 605; sarcophagus; base; Cairo JdE 47001; Philadelphia Inv. 15413; various fragments; Chicago 1736.

27. Abydos: Mariette, Cat. 1138 Boston MFA 03.1891; Cairo J.32024.

28. Other Statuary : Aberdeen 1393; BM 712 Villa Melzi.

29. Subordinates: Nebuhotep, Tjay.

30. Sedment, statue-group.

Category II: Viceroys of Nubia.

32. Cross-references.
