CISSP Practice: 2,250 Questions, Answers, and Explanations for Passing the Test
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A must-have prep guide for taking the CISSP certification exam

If practice does, indeed, make perfect, then this is the book you need to prepare for the CISSP certification exam! And while the six-hour exam may be grueling, the preparation for it doesn't have to be. This invaluable guide offers an unparalleled number of test questions along with their answers and explanations so that you can fully understand the "why" behind the correct and incorrect answers. An impressive number of multiple-choice questions covering breadth and depth of security topics provides you with a wealth of information that will increase your confidence for passing the exam.

The sample questions cover all ten of the domains tested: access control; telecommunications and network security; information security governance and risk management; application development security; cryptography; security architecture and design; operations security; business continuity and disaster recovery planning; legal, regulations, investigations, and compliance; and physical and environmental security.

Prepares you for taking the intense CISSP certification exam with an impressive and unique 2,250 test prep questions and answersIncludes the explanation behind each answer so you can benefit from learning the correct answer, but also discover why the other answers are not correctFeatures more than twice the number of practice questions of any other book on the market and covers nine times the number of questions tested on the exam

With CISSP certification now a requirement for anyone seeking security positions in corporations and government, passing the exam is critical. Packed with more than 2,000 test questions, CISSP Practice will prepare you better than any other resource on the market.


S. Rao Vallabhaneni is an educator, author, publisher, consultant, and practitioner with more than thirty years of management and teaching experience in manufacturing, finance, accounting, auditing, and information technology. He has authored more than 60 books, mostly study guides to prepare for professional certification exams. He earned four master's degrees in management, accounting, industrial engineering, and chemical engineering, and holds 24 professional certifications in various business disciplines.


Preface xvii

Domain 1: Acc ess Control 1

Scenario-Based Questions, Answers, and Explanations 124

Sources and References 128

Domain 2: Telecommunic ations and Network Security 129

Traditional Questions, Answers, and Explanations 129

Scenario-Based Questions, Answers, and Explanations 263

Sources and References 266

Domain 3: Information Security Governance and Ris k Management 269

Traditional Questions, Answers, and Explanations 269

Scenario-Based Questions, Answers, and Explanations 346

Sources and References 350

Domain 4: Software Development Security 351

Traditional Questions, Answers, and Explanations 351

Scenario-Based Questions, Answers, and Explanations 434

Sources and References 437

Domain 5: Cryptography 439

Traditional Questions, Answers, and Explanations 439

Scenario-Based Questions, Answers, and Explanations 523

Sources and References 525

Domain 6: Security Architecture and Desig n 527

Traditional Questions, Answers, and Explanations 527

Scenario-Based Questions, Answers, and Explanations 607

Sources and References 612

Domain 7: Security Operations 613

Traditional Questions, Answers, and Explanations 613

Scenario-Based Questions, Answers, and Explanations 694

Sources and References 698

Domain 8: Busi ness Continuity and Dis aster Recovery Planning 699

Traditional Questions, Answers, and Explanations  699

Scenario-Based Questions, Answers, and Explanations  740

Sources and References 742

Domain 9: Legal, Regulations, Investigations, and Compliance 743

Traditional Questions, Answers, and Explanations 743

Scenario-Based Questions, Answers, and Explanations 823

Sources and References 825

Domain 10: Physic al and Environmental Security 827

Traditional Questions, Answers, and Explanations 827

Scenario-Based Questions, Answers, and Explanations 863

Sources and References 866

Appendix A: CISSP Gloss ary 2012 867

Appendix B: CISSP Ac ronyms and Abb reviations 2012 1057

Index 1083
