Clinical Applications of Continuous PerformanceTests: Measuring Attention and ImpulsiveResponding in Children and Adults
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More About This Title Clinical Applications of Continuous PerformanceTests: Measuring Attention and ImpulsiveResponding in Children and Adults


The first comprehensive guide to Continuous Performance Test techniques

Continuous Performance Tests (CPTs) are used in the ongoing diagnosis and treatment monitoring of children and adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In Clinical Applications of Continuous Performance Tests, three well-respected members of the behavioral assessment field discuss the clinical use and limitations of CPTs, as well as their diagnostic efficacy for disorders first evident in childhood and adolescence and those evident later in adulthood.

This comprehensive handbook is the first to examine the similarities and differences of the numerous CPT techniques and their research literature. The four major instruments in use today are thoroughly reviewed (Conners' CPT, Gordon Diagnostic System, Integrated Visual and Auditory CPT, and Test of Variables of Attention/Test of Variables of Attention-Auditory), along with a complete overview of their specific applications. Additional CPTs are discussed in the context of how modifications to the CPT paradigm can affect results and, subsequently, interpretation. Brain-behavior correlates of CPT scores and the use of CPTs for monitoring effectiveness of treatment approaches are also covered in depth.

For psychologists, psychiatrists, and neurologists who diagnose and treat ADHD, Clinical Applications of Continuous Performance Tests is a unique and invaluable resource.
* Examines and compares four major, commercially available CPTs
* Includes guidelines for clinical practice and application
* Provides basic neuroscience underlying the CPT paradigms
* Explains how to monitor medication effects with CPTs
* Defines the relationship of CPTs to other cognitive and behavioral measures


CYNTHIA A. RICCIO, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.

CECIL R. REYNOLDS, PhD, Professor, Departments of Educational Psychology and Neuroscience, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.

PATRICIA A. LOWE, PhD, The Children?s Home Society of Idaho, Boise, Idaho.




Neurobiology of Attention and Executive Control.

Continuous Performance Test Paradigms and What They Do.

Major CPTs in Clinical Use: Configuration, Use, and Technical Adequacy.

The Relationship of CPTs to Other Cognitive and Behavioral Measures.

Brain-Behavior Correlates of CPT Scores.

Diagnostic Efficacy of CPTs for Disorders Usually First Evident in Childhood or Adolescence.

Diagnostic Efficacy of CPTs for Disorders in Adulthood.

Monitoring Medication Effects with Continuous Performance Tests.

CPTs in Monitoring Effectiveness of Other Treatment Approaches.

Where Do We Go from Here?


About the Authors.

Author Index.

Subject Index.


"...unlikely to be bettered in a generation...should be available to all those interested in neuropsychiatry..." (Jnl of Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Vol 7(4))"Clinical Applications of Continuance Performance Tests is must reading for novice or experienced clinicians currently utilizing any version of a CPT measure in their diagnostic battery." —Sam Goldstein, Ph.D., Univeristy of Utah
Review from Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology (in press)