The Architecture of Computer Hardware and System Software: An Information Technology Approach, Fourth Edition
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  • Wiley

More About This Title The Architecture of Computer Hardware and System Software: An Information Technology Approach, Fourth Edition


Reflects the latest technology in the field to provide readers with the most up-to-date resourcePresents examples that cover a broad spectrum of hardware and software systems, from personal computers to mainframesPlaces more emphasis on networking to address increased importance of the communications areaConsolidates the coverage of buses into one chapter.Integrates numerous review questions at the end of each chapter to enhance the reader's understanding of the material


1) Introduction
2) Number systems
3) Data formats
4) Integer and real numbers
5) Integer and real numbers
6) Little Man Computer
7) CPU architecture
8) CPU and Memory: Design, Implementation, Enhancement
9) Input/Output
10) Input/Output Devices
11) Modern CPU Systems, Clusters, and Networks
12) Three HW Examples
13) User and Programming Interfaces
14) Operating Systems Concepts
15) More Operating Systems Concepts
16) File Concepts
17) Programming Tools
18) Three SW Examples
Supplementary Ch. 1: Intro to Digital Computer Logic
Supplementary Ch. 2: Instruction Addressing Modes
Supplementary Ch. 3: Communication Channel Technology