Litterature Francaise: Textes et Contextes, Tome I
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More About This Title Litterature Francaise: Textes et Contextes, Tome I


Tome I of this two-volume anthology covers 19th to 20th century French literature. Most selections are complete works, including Camus' "La pierre qui pousse" and Duras' "Aurelia Steiner."


* La Litterature epique
* La Litterature courtoise
* La Litterature comique
* Le Theatre religieux
* Le Theatre profane
* La Poesie lyrique
* Rabelais
* La Renaissance poetique
* Montaigne
* La Litterature baroque
* Corneille
* Moliere
* Deux moralistes
* Racine
* La Fontaine
* Madame de Sevigne
* Montesquieu
* Voltaire
* Rousseau
* Postface