The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of ClinicalNursing Procedures 8e
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  • Wiley

More About This Title The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of ClinicalNursing Procedures 8e


Detailed table of contents vi

List of contributors xxii

Foreword to the eighth edition xxvi

Introduction and guidelines for use xxvii

Quick reference to the procedure guidelines xxx

Acknowledgements xxxiv

List of abbreviations xxxv

Part One Managing the patient journey 1

Chapter 1 The context of nursing 3

Chapter 2 Assessment, discharge and end of life care 21

Chapter 3 Infection prevention and control 79

Chapter 4 Risk management 129

Part Two Supporting the patient with human functioning 153

Chapter 5 Communication 155

Chapter 6 Elimination 195

Chapter 7 Moving and positioning 279

Chapter 8 Nutrition, fl uid balance and blood transfusion 333

Chapter 9 Patient comfort 417

Chapter 10 Respiratory care 533

Part Three Supporting the patient through the diagnostic process 615

Chapter 11 Interpreting diagnostic tests 617

Chapter 12 Haematological procedures 713

Chapter 13 Observations 745

Chapter 14 Radionuclide investigations and therapy 829

Part Four Supporting the patient through treatment 867

Chapter 15 Cytotoxic therapy 869

Chapter 16 Medicines management 933

Chapter 17 Perioperative care 1041

Chapter 18 Vascular access devices: insertion and management 1079

Chapter 19 Wound management 1165

Appendices 1203

Index 1215


"It is a well written, comprehensive text that emphasises the importance of seeing nursing procedures as a fundamental aspect of patient-centred nursing care ... This is an excellent resource to improve and enhance clinical practice." (Nursing Standard, 2 November 2011)

"Coverage encompasses every aspect of patient management and support, at every stage of their journey. Clear page design and color-coded chapters help make the contents accessible." (Book News, 1 October 2011)

