Designing the Internet of Things
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Designing the Internet of Things


Take your idea from concept to production with this unique guide

Whether it's called physical computing, ubiquitous computing, or the Internet of Things, it's a hot topic in technology: how to channel your inner Steve Jobs and successfully combine hardware, embedded software, web services, electronics, and cool design to create cutting-edge devices that are fun, interactive, and practical. If you'd like to create the next must-have product, this unique book is the perfect place to start.

Both a creative and practical primer, it explores the platforms you can use to develop hardware or software, discusses design concepts that will make your products eye-catching and appealing, and shows you ways to scale up from a single prototype to mass production.

  • Helps software engineers, web designers, product designers, and electronics engineers start designing products using the Internet-of-Things approach
  • Explains how to combine sensors, servos, robotics, Arduino chips, and more with various networks or the Internet, to create interactive, cutting-edge devices
  • Provides an overview of the necessary steps to take your idea from concept through production

If you'd like to design for the future, Designing the Internet of Things is a great place to start.


Adrian McEwen (Liverpool, UK) is an Internet of Things expert. He co-wrote and runs the Howduino course, teaching about Arduino across the UK. Adrian is the curator of official Arduino Ethernet Library. He has prowled the rooftops of Liverpool City Centre embedding Arduino sensors into the city’s infrastructure.

Hakim Cassimally (Liverpool, UK) is an Italian and English Literature Graduate who discovered Perl and never looked back. A writer of SciFi, Hakim founded a study group for the Stanford AI distributed learning classes.


Introduction 1


Chapter 1: The Internet of Things: An Overview 7

Chapter 2: Design Principles for Connected Devices 21

Chapter 3: Internet Principles 41

Chapter 4: Thinking About Prototyping 63

Chapter 5: Prototyping Embedded Devices 87

Chapter 6: Prototyping the Physical Design 147

Chapter 7: Prototyping Online Components 173

Chapter 8: Techniques for Writing Embedded Code 205


Chapter 9: Business Models 227

Chapter 10: Moving to Manufacture 255

Chapter 11: Ethics 289

Index 311
