Muscle Aging, Inclusion-Body Myositis andMyopathies
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More About This Title Muscle Aging, Inclusion-Body Myositis andMyopathies


The aging of society is leading to many challenges across all areas of medicine. The problems of muscle aging have led to a rise in the incidence of less common conditions, which though not terminal are debilitating and frequently progressive, and often underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Written by a team of international experts, this landmark book will look at the general clinical problems associated with muscle aging before examining inclusion-body myositis and myopathies, a group of the more important diseases of muscle aging. With case vignettes to aid diagnosis to ensure correct management of an illness, here is an essential reference for professionals and students.


Edited by 
Valerie Askanas, MD, PhD, Departments  of Neurology and Pathology, University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, CA, USA
W. King Engel, MD, Departments  of Neurology and Pathology, University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, CA, USA  


List of Contributors, vii

Preface, xi

Part 1 Muscle Aging

1 Aging of the human neuromuscular system: pathological aspects, 3
W. King Engel and Valerie Askanas

2 Aging of the human neuromuscular system: clinical considerations, 33
W. King Engel and Valerie Askanas

3 Aging of the human neuromuscular system: patient vignettes, 55
W. King Engel, Shalini Mahajan, and Valerie Askanas

4 Mitochondrial changes in aging with particular reference to muscle, and possible clinical consequences, 81
Salvatore DiMauro, Eric Schon, and Michio Hirano

5 Protein degradation in aging cells and mitochondria: relevance to the neuromuscular system, 89
Jenny K. Ngo and Kelvin J. A. Davies

6 Human muscle protein metabolism in relation to exercise and aging: potential therapeutic applications, 97
Micah J. Drummond and Blake B. Rasmussen

Part 2 Sporadic Inclusion-Body Myositis

7 Pathogenesis of sporadic inclusion-body myositis: role of aging and muscle-fiber degeneration, and accumulation of the same proteins as in Alzheimer and Parkinson brains, 111
Valerie Askanas, W. King Engel, and Anna Nogalska

8 Inflammatory and autoimmune features of inclusion-body myositis, 146
Marinos C. Dalakas

9 Sporadic inclusion-body myositis: clinical symptoms, physical findings, and diagnostic investigations, 159
Frank L. Mastaglia

10 Pathologic diagnostic criteria of sporadic inclusion-body myositis and hereditary inclusion-body myopathy muscle biopsies, 168
Valerie Askanas and W. King Engel

Part 3 Hereditary Inclusion-Body Myopathies

11 Function and mutations of the GNE gene leading to distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles/hereditary inclusion-body myopathy, animal models, and potential treatment, 177
May Christine V. Malicdan, Satoru Noguchi, and Ichizo Nishino

12 GNE myopathy (hereditary inclusion-body myopathy/distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles): clinical features and epidemiology, 191
Zohar Argov, Ichizo Nishino, and Ikuya Nonaka

13 Consequences of the hereditary inclusion-body myopathy-characteristic GNE mutations on muscle proteins in vivo and in vitro, 199
Aldobrando Broccolini and Massimiliano Mirabella

14 Function and structure of VCP mutations leading to inclusion-body myopathy associated with Paget disease of bone and frontotemporal dementia, 206
Cezary Wojcik

15 Clinical spectrum of VCP myopathy, Paget disease, and frontotemporal dementia: experimental models and potential treatments, 219
Virginia E. Kimonis, Eric Dec, Mallikarjun Badadani, Angele Nalbandian, Jouni Vesa, Vincent Caiozzo, Douglas Wallace, Barbara Martin, Charles Smith, and Giles D. Watts

16 Drosophila and mouse models of hereditary myopathy caused by mutations in VCP/p97, 230
Nisha M. Badders and J. Paul Taylor

Index, 241
