Live and Online! Tips, Techniques, and Ready-to-Use Activities for the Virtual Classroom. W/CD
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More About This Title Live and Online! Tips, Techniques, and Ready-to-Use Activities for the Virtual Classroom. W/CD


Live and Online! offers the key to designing effective interactions for the synchronous classroom. This ensures that participants have ample opportunity to collaborate and interact, which in turn helps them to successfully learn online. Author Jennifer Hofmann explains the use of powerful synchronous tools—Whiteboard, Chat, Breakout Room, Application Sharing, and Synchronized Web Browsing—provides sample exercises for each tool, and offers advice on how each tool fits into the instructional landscape. At the end of each exercise there is space provided for notes and suggestions on how to customize the interaction for specific projects. The companion CD-ROM contains sample graphics, leader guide pages that support the exercises, and templates for creating leader and participant materials and interactive plans.


Jennifer Hofmann is founder of InSync Training, LLC, Branford, Connecticut (, which provides seminars and services for organizations that want to implement a synchronous classroom, and sponsors InSync Center, an online community that provides resources and collaboration opportunities for e-learning professionals. She is the author of The Synchronous Trainer’s Survival Guide from Pfeiffer.


Contents of the CD-Rom.




1.Designing for the Synchronous Classroom.

The Importance of Instructional Design in Web-Based Training.

Common Design Problems and Suggested Solutions.

What Can Be Taught Online?

Applying a Blended Delivery Method.

“Nice to Know” vs. “Need to Know” Content in the Synchronous Classroom.

Distinguishing “Prework” from “Real Work”.

Instructional Materials.


Design Tips.

2.Creating Successful Online Learning Environments.

Participant Motivation.

Collaboration and Interaction.


Learner Orientation.

Bells and Whistles Don’t Make Learning.

The Role of the Online Trainer.

Opportunities to Collaborate and Interact with One Another.

The Program Blend.

Divide and Conquer.

Bringing It All Together.

3.An Overview of Synchronous Collaboration.

Characteristics of Online Collaboration.

Preparing for Collaboration.

The Value of Concurrent Participation.

Designing Exercises.

4.Whiteboard Exercises and Techniques.

Instructional Uses.

Tool Variations and Considerations.

Best Practices and Techniques.

Sample Exercises.


Making Connections.

Data Entry.

Applying the Process.

Get Out the Vote.

5.Chat Exercises and Techniques.

Instructional Uses.

Tool Variations and Considerations.

Best Practices and Techniques.

Sample Exercises.

Let’s Talk About Feedback.

Brainstorming and Group Collaboration.

Let’s Pair Up!

Leading Questions.

Let’s Talk!!!

6.Breakout Room Exercises and Techniques.

Instructional Uses.

Tool Variations and Considerations.

Best Practices and Techniques.

Sample Exercises.

Independent Study.


Working in Teams.

Group Scavenger Hunt.

Teaching on Two Levels.

7.Application Sharing Exercises and Techniques.

Instructional Uses.

Tool Variations and Considerations.

Best Practices and Techniques.

Sample Exercises.

Independent Study.

Telephone Rep Role Play.

Demonstrations and Desktop Practice.

Application Round Robin.

Multimedia Trivia Game.

8.Synchronized Web Browsing Exercises and Techniques.

Instructional Uses.

Tool Variations and Considerations.

Best Practices and Techniques.

Sample Exercises.

Online Tools Exploration.

Seven Degrees of Separation.

Online Testing.

Online Orientation.

9.Other Tools to Support Your Synchronous Programs.

Creating Synchronous Discussions.


Polling and Feedback.

Discussion Boards.

In Closing.


A. Synchronous Classroom Vendors.

B. Synchronous Features Table.

C. Synchronous Considerations Checklist.

D. Interactivity Plan.

E. Sample Leader Guide.

F. Sample Participant Guide.

G. Resources.

H. Glossary.

About the Author.

About InSync and Feedback Form.

How to Use the CD-ROM.

Pfeiffer Publications Guide.


“This text is truly a guide for designing and facilitating online learning. It presents the “how tos” for instructors and learners with practical application for ensuring a learner and learning-centered online environment.”--Judith A. Converso, Ph.D., instructional systems designer and online instructor, Florida State University, Nova Southeastern University

 “Detailed, creative, and proven techniques for teaching live online. Jennifer Hofmann has created a superb guidebook for every level of instructor regardless of your chosen synchronous platform.”--John Walber, CEO, LearningTimes, LLC

 “Teachers, trainers, professors, and designers—anyone planning to teach at a distance—will find this practical and comprehensive book a necessary companion as they venture into the virtual classroom.”--Michael Simonson, editor of Quarterly Review of Distance Education

"Jennifer Hoffman does it again! She has the unique combination of practical wisdom and clear writing skills. As I was moving from face-to-face clasroom to the virtual ones, her first book provided a wonderful roadmap. Now, her second book enables me to travel through more exciting landscape and savor wonderful landscapes."-- Sivasailam "Thiagi" Thiagarajan, Resident Mad Scientist, Workshops by Thiagi and author of Design Your Own Games and Activities
