Building the Brand-Driven Business: OperationalizeYour Brand to Drive Profitable Growth
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Building the Brand-Driven Business: OperationalizeYour Brand to Drive Profitable Growth


In Building the Brand-Driven Business, authors Scott M. Davis and Michael Dunn-- two of the nation's foremost experts on brands-- map out a strategy that can help an entire organization manage and live (not just think about) its brand. They show how to develop brand-building programs that are the most cost efficient, effective, and credible. And just as vital, they reveal how to create a brand-driven culture within an organization so that building the brand becomes everyone's job.


Scott M. Davis is a managing partner at the Chicago office of Prophet, and a former marketing and distribution manager at Procter and Gamble. He is an adjunct professor at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management, a contributing editor to Brandweek, and an editorial board member of the Journal of Consumer Marketing. His work has been featured in such publications as the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, and USA Today. Davis is the author of Brand Asset Management (Jossey-Bass).

Michael Dunn is president and CEO of Prophet. He has provided insights for clients such as AT&T, Williams-Sonoma, UBS, and BP. He has written articles for publications including Marketing News and has been featured in Business Week, Business 2.0, and Brand Marketing Magazine. Dunn has served as CEO for other high-growth services companies and currently sits on the board of RedEnvelope.


Foreword (David A. Aaker).


Introduction: Taking Control of Your Brand's Destiny.

Part One: Making "Operationalizing the Brand" Your New Mantra.

1. Understanding the Brand's Powerful New Role.

2. Connecting Business Strategy to Brand Strategy.

Part Two: Controlling Your Touchpoints by Operationalizing Your Brand.

3. Understanding and Prioritizing High-Impact Brand Touchpoints.

4. The Pre-Purchase Experience:Making the Brand-Prospect Connection.

5. The Purchase Experience: The First Step in Delivering on the Promise.

6. The Post-Purchase Experience: Solidifying the Brand-Customer Relationship.

Part Three: Organizing Your Company Around the Brand.

7. Developing a Brand Metrics System: Driving Brand Building by What You Measure.

8. Building a Brand-Based Culture.

9. Establishing a Brand-Based Organization: Focusing on the Structure and Roles to Support Brand-Driven Change.

Notes and Sources.

The Authors.



“…This book is highly recommended for all forward-thinking executives—and those aiming to join that group.” (The Journal of Product & Brand Management, vol. 14, no. 3, 2005)