Performance Based Instruction: Linking Training toBusiness Results with Diskette
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More About This Title Performance Based Instruction: Linking Training toBusiness Results with Diskette


Do you need some performance magic NOW?

You see the performance and productivity expectations. Now you needa little magic to make them happen. The magic is here! With thisbook as your guide, you'll pinpoint the goal, you'll find the gapbetween that goal and where you are now, and then you'll close thegap. Simple, quick, inexpensive, and effective--that's whatPerformance-Based Instruction is about! using these brilliantdesigns, you will clarify job expectations and foster pride andconfidence in employees' work performance.

When performance improvement is vitally needed?the concernedpractitioner would do well to heed Smalley and Brethower'sthoughtful advice.
--Robert O. Brinkerhoff, professor of educational leadership,Western Michigan University

This book gives you the tools you need to:

* Conduct on-the-job training
* Establish team training
* Design job aids
* Perform needs assessments
* Evaluate training...and more!

The User's Manual appAndix gives you specific pointers on usingthis book as a guide in an HRD department, as a text in an academicsetting, or as a professional development tool for solopractitioners. The enclosed Microsoft Word diskette gives you anelectronic, customizable source of quick-implementation job aids.It's all here. Grab this book of spells, add a dash of attentivework, and create some performance magic today!


DALE M. BRETHOWER is a professor of psychology at Western Michigan University, teaching courses in training and development, performance management, and behavioral systems analysis. KAROLYN A. SMALLEY is a performance and instructional systems consultant who specializes in process improvement projects, performance management systems, and instructional systems.





1. Performance-Based Instruction: Application to CustomerService.

2. Performance-Based Instruction on the Job.

3. Performance-Based Teamwork Training.

4. Performance-Based Development.

5. Performance-Based Instruction and the Hawthorne Effect.

6. Performance-Based Instruction and Job Aids.


7. Performance-Based Instruction: A Paradigm for theTwenty-First-Century Human Resource Development.

8. Converting to Performance-Based Instruction.

9. Transfer of Training: Linking to what Happens Before andAfter.

10. Needs Assessment and Performance-Based Instruction.

11. A Structured-Design Approach for Performance-BasedInstruction.

12. Integrating Evaluation into Performance-BasedInstruction.

13. Performance-Based Instruction and Learning-to-Learn.

Appendix: User's Manual.

Bibliography and References.

List of Figures on Diskette.

About the Authors.



"This book does a great job of demystifying the instructionaldesign process. When performance improvement is vitally needed?theconcerned practitioner would do well to heed Smalley andBrethower's thoughtful advice." (Robert O. Brinkerhoff, professorof educational leadership, Western Michigan University)

"This is the perfect book for these times. In an emerging globaleconomy where the ?bottom-line' is critical, this book provides anapproach for getting more performance with less training dollars.And at a time when many traditional training organizations arerightfully considering becoming ?performance departments,' thisbook provides a key component for successfully making thattransition." (Geary Rummler, partner, The Rummler-BracheGroup)

"Instructional designers, training managers and performanceimprovement specialists will benefit from this book. It could alsobe used as a text book in instructional design. Any trainingdepartment that is moving from training to performance should havethis book." (Roger Addison, vice president and manager, Wells FargoBank)

"The book is meant to guide and lead to application?. The text iseasy to read, has a clear structure, is filled with examples, andhas a coherent framework that makes it easy to understand both theoverall thrust of the book and the specific objectives of any givenchapter." (Harold Stolovitch, president, Harold D. Stolovitch &Associates, Ltd.)