Preservation of Modern Architecture
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As today's valued examples of modern architecture age to the point that preservation is called for, the methods and technology used in such preservation must be carefully considered so that the design integrity of the building is maintained. Written by the president of an organization committed to the documentation and preservation of modern architecture, this book outlines best practices for undertaking such efforts and addresses the latest technological advances in the field. Containing relevant case studies of preservation projects in the United States and in Europe, this is the only professional reference for architects dedicated specifically to the subject of preserving modern architecture.

"Winner of the Association for Preservation Technology International 2008 Lee Nelson Book Award"


THEODORE H. M. PRUDON, PhD, FAIA, a leading expert on the preservation of modern architecture, was educated at the University of Delft, Netherlands, and Columbia University where he received his doctorate. He is a partner of Prudon & Partners, based in New York City, and teaches preservation at Columbia University's Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation. Prudon is the President of DOCOMOMO US and a board member of DOCOMOMO International. DOCOMOMO is dedicated to the study of significant works of Modern Movement architecture, landscape design, and urban planning around the world.



1. Preserving Modern Architecture: The Beginning

2. Philosophical Issues Affecting Preservation and Design

3. Evolving Preservation Philosophies and Standards

4. Preservation Issues for Modern Materials and Systems

5. Preserving Modern Architecture: What, Why, Where and How

6. Investigation and Assessment of Modern Buildings and Structures

PART II-- Building Typologies: Case Studies

7. Pavilions

1. German Pavilion, Barcelona, Spain

2. Aluminaire

8. Residences

1. Single family

Villa Savoye, Poissy, France

Gropius House, Lincoln, MA

Farnsworth House, Plano, IL

2. Suburban Developments

Greenbelt, MD

Levittown, Long Island, NY

Mar Vista, Los Angeles, CA

3. Multi family

Chatham Towers, New York, NY

Peabody Terrace, Cambridge, MA

Hilliard Houses, Chicago, IL

9. Prefabrication

1. Cemesto

2. Lustron

10. Schools

1. Open Air School, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2. Crow Island, Winnetka, Illinois, USA

3. Munkegård Elementary School, Søborg, Denmark

11. Performing Arts Centers

1. Royal National Theatre (London, England)

2. Lincoln Center, New York, NY

3. Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia

12. Hospitality

1. Caribe Hotel, Puerto Rico

2. Royal SAS (now the Radisson) Hotel, Copenhagen

13. Airport Terminals

1. TWA Terminal, New York, NY

2. Dulles International Airport, Chantilly, Virginia

14. Industrial buildings

1. Lingotto, Turin, Italy

2. Van Nelle, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

15. Exterior Cladding Materials--Glass and Stone

1. Glass

Department Store Schunck or "Glaspaleis", Heerlen, The Netherlands

Lever House -
New York, NY

2. Thin Stone Veneer

Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland

Amoco Building, Chicago, IL

16. Miscellaneous

1. Sanatorium Zonnestraal, Hilversum, The Netherlands

2. First Presbyterian Church -
Stamford, NY


"The book is especially deft in its handling of the philosophical and practical issues of preserving Modernism." (Architectural Record, June 2009)

"…is the first that addresses the spectrum of issues associated with the stewardship of modern architecture, presents significant manifestations of modernism and frames the philosophical, assessment and conservation challenges of this body of the built environment. (, February 2009)

"Overall, Preservation of Modern Architecture looks to be a legitimate source to bolster one’s knowledge or gain foundational information about modern architecture." (, January 2009)

"Throughout, Preservation of Modern Architecture is illustrated extensively with excellent black and white photographs, many of them historic in nature, and excellent plans of each of the case buildings. This book is essential not only for all organizations, practices and educational institutions involved in the practice and education of conservation but also is an extremely useful adjunct to every school of architecture in the world….deserves the very widest of readership for those wishing to understand and value the development of Modern Architecture in the world." (Architectural Science Review, December 2008)

"It is a comprehensive volume that endeavors to address every conceivable aspect of its topic. This book begins the necessary and potentially very exciting discussion on the future of the historic preservation movement in the United States and around the world. Take the time to read Preservation of Modern Architecture." (Traditional Building, October 2008)

Winner of the Association for Preservation Technology International 2008 Lee Nelson Book Award

Oh, the irony. Trend-setting modernist architectural statements of the 20th century, once said to transcend style and region, now require historic preservation. Often functionally obsolete, these structures, in many cases, have suffered neglect, major alterations, or demolition. Convincing owners and governments to protect modernist buildings is a tough sell, unless they are clearly iconic. Architect and Columbia University professor of preservation Prudon explains the situation fully. He includes a section on the materials and methods of the 20th century and the preservation issues of each. The book's second part consists of case studies of a variety of building types. Anyone who has read architecture history will be interested in the way some significant 20th-century buildings have been preserved, rehabilitated, or restored—often at great expense—and how they are being used today. More illustrations would have been welcome. Recommended for academic libraries supporting architecture, urban planning, or structural engineering programs.
—David R. Conn, Surrey P.L., B.C. (Library Journal, September 1, 2008)
