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After leaving the big city of Cairo behind, author Sahar Maurice was heading to the new, evolving, touristic city of Hurghada, on the Red Sea, where her brother, Alaa, who had built a stone villa for a friend’s family. She earned a degree in architecture and went to work for a Portuguese company building a new Hilton hotel. A free girl in her late-twenties still has limitations, including keeping her dignity high and her respect of an important man, who came to launch project to save the coral reef. He understood that Sahar’s limits has to be treated with respect. Sahar felt the need to research the Quran and then translate that research. In this book, she pays tribute to this great opportunity that gave her a vast knowledge about a connection to the Higher Power. Sahar married Mark.after 6 months and 6 days of their loving relationship. Thinking now of what brother Alaa told her back then; how do you trust men who have different faith than yours? Indeed! trust is in the intellectual minds.

Am Ende stellt sich die Frage, ob dieses Buch uns in unserem Glauben an die Existenz und die Ewigkeit des Schöpfers der Himmel und an das, was dazwischen liegt, bestärkt Dieser kleine Anteil an materiellen Beweisen kann die göttliche Natur des Korans beweisen. Dies ist ein Koran; das heißt eine lesbare Botschaft, für die ganze Menschheit. Diese Heilige Schrift Gottes beweist auch die Tatsache der prophetischen Sendung Seines letzten Gesandten an uns alle, Mohammed; Friede sei mit ihm.


