
Jozef Van Keer

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"Born post World War II in a little town of the Flemish part of Belgium, Jozef was exposed to art daily. His father, a writer, and singer, instilled in Jozef a love of music and poetry and strict, conservative life. An ambitious IT career and love brought him to the US. Jozef kept writing poetry but never published any. When his IT career abruptly ended and age became a significant factor in finding a job, Jozef was forced to retire. It was then that he took a major leap into the unknown world of writing a book. The creative mind found a way, like oil on water, to put in writing a dreamed-up story in a language that is not his native tongue. Jozef loves the outdoors, camping, wildlife stories, and especially nature in this beautiful country that has accepted him as a citizen, "The United States of America."

