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"Dave Wilcox was a travel writer. While on a 110-day world cruise, Dave wrote and published a travel blog describing the voyage. He had dabbled with an idea for a suspense novel. A woman author onboard emphatically told Dave to stop dabbling, finish the book, and publish it.? He did. ?Born Again? follows a charismatic preacher?s attempt to violently overthrow the government and create a theocracy. Dave?s wife Mary, his toughest critic, wanted a love story. ?Sicilian Spring,? is his second suspense novel. A widower meets a girl in Sicily who is engaged to the son of an important Mafioso. Set primarily in Sicily, the love story melds into a travelogue and suspense/thriller while capturing Sicilian beauty, contradictions, and traditions. While living near the Arizona border, Dave joined a border watch group. Encountering the tragic reality, he was inspired to write ?The Trophy Tree.?"

