Pinky Promises
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Personal memoirs from Max Jester. Is social justice better than real justice? Or is it like a talk show on mute? Illuminated with a large audience who want to see a show, let them have it. The book is always better. Everyone I know trades their integrity for opportunity. When did I know my life was being used for entertainment? I've left you clues about the family?s cult. Maybe you have an arrangement and don?t even know it yet, maybe you aren?t supposed to know. I guess if it could happen to me it could happen to anyone. This is my personal memoir of how I set myself free from the family business. Turning people into money. I don?t deal in that kind of currency. This is a bomb for everyone to use. Delete the elite. There is always a silver lining. We are all slaves. I don?t know if you?re awake yet..

Exhibited At: International book fairs
