Truth from the Earth
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More About This Title Truth from the Earth


"Written in semi-autobiographical style, the book intertwines personal testimony, scripture, and the nature of God. The author shows how seemingly trivial or isolated events combine with sad or challenging circumstances over a period of years or even decades to ?work together for good? according to Romans 8:28. These same events may be key factors necessary for us to experience in order to fulfill the plans and purposes God has for nations or individuals as described in Jeremiah 29:11.
The book addresses issues which are either unclear or unmentioned in the Bible. These include the fate of infants or small children who die before having faith or being baptized; what happens to friends, relatives, or others we love who may have gone through life without knowing Christ as their personal savior; and entire populations who have never heard of Christ over many centuries. The book identifies the ?unpardonable sin? in a manner that removes all doubts and questions. The book also confronts serious misinterpretation of scripture in what the author calls ?God?s Greatest Truth or Satan?s Greatest Deception.?
Finally, the author compares the Commentary on Habakkuk?uncovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls?to events in modern history, showing that this prophecy of things which were destined for the last generation have been fulfilled. Additionally, he describes in detail another archeological discovery yet to be revealed which can be verified scientifically and will be incontrovertible proof to Jews and gentiles alike that God is real and Jesus is Lord and Savior."

Exhibited At: International book fairs
