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Her nightmares don't stop when she opens her eyes... In one night, talented musician Allegra Ennis lost her sight, her father and her career in a brutal attack she can't remember. Now she's alone in a world of darkness, her only company the nightmares in her head...and a killer is stalking her every move. Scarred and disfigured by war, tough former SEAL Douglas Kowalski never thought a beauty like Allegra could love someone like him. He doesn't expect more thana one-night stand. But when Allegra's life is threatened, Kowalski realizes he will do anything to keep her safe - and by his side.

Chinese (Traditional)





Chinese (Simplified)





ฝันร้ายของเธอไม่จบตอนลืมตาตื่น ในแค่คืนเดียว อัลเลกร้า เอ็นนิส นักร้องและนักดีดพิณสาวผู้มีพรสวรรค์ต้องสูญเสียสายตา เสียความทรงจำ เสียพ่อและเสียอาชีพเพราะถูกทำร้ายอย่างทารุณ ทุกวันนี้โลกของเธอจึงมืดมิดหงอยเหงา มีแต่ฝันร้ายและภาพแฟลชแบ็คเหตุการณ์อันโหดร้ายสยดสยองเป็นเพื่อน แถมยังมีคนโรคจิตคอยตามรังควาญหมายปองชีวิตเธอ ชีวิตค่อยเริ่มมีความหวังอันสดใส เมื่อได้พบหนุ่มผู้มีจิตใจงดงาม ไว้เป็นเพื่อนและที่พักพิง
ดักลาส โควาลสกี้ อดีตทหารซีล ผู้มีใบหน้ายับเยินจากบาดแผลของสงคราม ไม่เคยนึกฝันว่าสาวสวยหยาดเยิ้มเสียงไพเราะราวเทพธิดาจากสวรรค์จะรักคนอย่างเขาได้ เขาหวังเพียงแค่ชั่วคืน แต่พอชีวิตของอัลเลกร้าตกอยู่ในอันตราย เขาก็ยอมทำทุกอย่างเพื่อให้เธอปลอดภัย


Lisa Marie Rice is eternally 30 years old and will never age. She is tall and willowy and beautiful. Men drop at her feet like ripe pears. She has won every major book prize in the world. She is a black belt with advanced degrees in archaeology, nuclear physics, and Tibetan literature. She is a concert pianist. Did I mention her Nobel Prize? Of course, Lisa Marie Rice is a virtual woman and exists only at the keyboard when writing erotic romance. She disappears when the monitor winks off.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Now isn’t that an interesting bio to have? Isn’t that a thousand times better than saying that I’m a middle-aged, er…woman, no longer in the very, very first flush of youth, who basically sits in front of a computer screen all day in her pajamas?

I am so lucky to be Lisa Marie Rice! There is no literary genre anywhere remotely as exciting and thrilling as erotic romantic suspense. It has absolutely everything: red-hot passion, danger, adventure, heart-stopping love. I cannot begin to tell you how much I enjoy sitting down to the keyboard and bleeding…er, writing my heart out, falling in love with my men over and over and over again.

Well, why not? My men are brave and smart and built. And boy do they love their women! Their women are much more interesting than new weaponry, sports cars, and even plasma TVs in their eyes, and the fascination will last their entire lifetimes, I promise. It’s sex, of course, but also a whole lot more. My heroes genuinely like and admire their women, though in the beginning this is sometimes obscured by blinding lust. Once that first sharp edge of desire is over and they settle down a little—and that will take several years and a kid or two—they’re so bonded with their women that they couldn’t live without them.

And it is so much fun "being" my heroines while writing about them. You may have noticed that most, if not all, of my heroines are artsy in some way, just like me. It just sort of comes out that way. There’s not much calculation when creating my characters: They literally become alive for me and when my character says—I’m a singer or a designer or I love books—well, that’s that.

It’s fabulous sitting here in my not-perfect body and becoming the beautiful young woman that that ornery alpha male is glomming on to. Of course, my heroines are also in dire peril, which is not so much fun. And which is why I’m the writer and not the heroine (give or take a few years and a few pounds).

One true fact: Looking out of my study across my wonderful terrace I see a bright blue line which is the Ionian Sea. And if I had a powerful enough telescope I could see the Greek temple where Pythagoras taught.

Chinese (Traditional)

麗莎‧瑪莉‧萊斯(Lisa Marie Rice)
激情過後,現實的Lisa Marie Rice身分如謎,有不少關於她的揣測。目前為止她的名字曾和好幾位非 EC 的作家有「交集」,包括琳達‧霍華和 雪倫‧麥肯納。甚至有人認為她是洛琳‧福斯特的「邪惡雙胞胎」。根據她本人表示,她其實跟一般人沒什麼不同的中年女人,成天穿著睡衣坐在電腦前編織著充滿激情、懸疑、冒險、刺激及令人心跳停止的愛情的羅曼史,一而再、再而三地愛上自己筆下的男主角們。他們聰明、勇敢、性感且深愛著女主角們,在他們眼中,女主角比汽車、球賽或武器更具吸引力。當然,她筆下的女主角們或多或少都有他的影子。當然她們比較美,也經常處於討厭的危難中,這就是作者跟女主角的差別。

Chinese (Simplified)

莉萨‧玛莉‧莱斯(Lisa Marie Rice)
激情过后,现实的Lisa Marie Rice身分如谜,有不少关于她的揣测。目前为止她的名字曾和好几位非 EC 的作家有「交集」,包括琳达‧霍华和 沙伦‧麦肯纳。甚至有人认为她是洛琳‧福斯特的「邪恶双胞胎」。根据她本人表示,她其实跟一般人没什么不同的中年女人,成天穿着睡衣坐在计算机前编织着充满激情、悬疑、冒险、刺激及令人心跳停止的爱情的罗曼史,一而再、再而三地爱上自己笔下的男主角们。他们聪明、勇敢、性感且深爱着女主角们,在他们眼中,女主角比汽车、球赛或武器更具吸引力。当然,她笔下的女主角们或多或少都有他的影子。当然她们比较美,也经常处于讨厌的危难中,这就是作者跟女主角的差别。

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