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National Best Book Award in Non-Fiction 2008
JUDPRAKAI Award 2008, Distinguished Documentary Award.
The Fourth “Seven Book Awards”, Best Book Award in Non-Fiction(Real life)
It takes less than two hours to fly from Chiang Mai to Surat Thani, but Pramuan Pengchan chose a longer route - covering the 1,200 kilometers between the two provinces on foot.
“I’m going to walk home.” It was the answer he gave at the completion of the last class and also the announcement terminating his role as a philosophy professor: an announcement by a half century old man with silvery hair and a “determined and resolute” expression in his eyes.
A former philosophy lecturer at Chiang Mai University, Pramuan resigned from his 16-year teaching career on his 51st birthday and armed with a spare set of clothes, a hat, a bottle of water and a pack of blank postcards to keep his wife informed of his progress, left on his journey to his hometown on Samui Island.
His journey was unprecedented, not just because of the distance, but because of the rules he set himself:
Carrying no money. No visiting the homes of friends. No asking for food or shelter unless others are really willing to help. And no following designated routes.
A person with principle undoubtedly has proper conduct to live a meaningful life.
The book is a diary of his journey and reveals the reasons behind each of his rules, as well as his meetings en route, observations on his feelings and the obstacles, mainly physical, that he faced.
Suffering from an empty stomach, he enjoyed the most delicious meal of his life - and his first meal since leaving Chiang Mai - courtesy of a noodle vendor, whom he regards as a "life saver".
Faced with extreme fatigue and near death, he slept
happily sandwiched between two stray dogs with skin disease, an experience that taught him he was still valuable as "a warm body for other beings on earth".
And faced with destitution, he was deeply touched by the generosity of a homeless couple who earned their living sorting and selling recycled rubbish.
The story of the sixty-six-day walk clearly illustrates the value of a journey that does not depend on luxury and comfort but on a joyful heart and the happiness of learning about everything on this earth.
Throughout this journey, he has warmed and united many hearts. He helps us understand how much our current thinking overlooks the simple beauty of life. The goodwill and friendship he experienced while walking strengthened his spirituality as he proceeded towards his beautiful destination.
This book is not the work of an individual: on a contrary it is the work of a great

Chinese (Traditional)

Juprakai Award 2008年度,傑出紀錄文學獎。
第四屆Seven Book Awards,非文學類最佳圖書獎

而除以Pramuan Pengchan的雙腳,則是66天的步行之旅。


2005年,前清邁大學的哲學教授Pramuan Pengchan 剛好年過半百,在51歲的他辭去了教職,選

然而這趟旅程的嚴苛並不在於距離,年紀,以及「步行」這種移動方式上。而是Pramuan Pengchan為此行所設下的規則。



旅途中他多次受傷甚致飢餓交迫面臨死亡,但是Pramuan Pengchan堅持以愉悅的心情持續前行,朝向人生的光明面。



有一次,有個好心人給了他一些銅板。非常口渴的Pramuan Pengchan在飲料的冷藏櫃前,努力的對


正如屏除了一切的雜音,可以聽見最純粹的音樂;Pramuan Pengchan丟棄的便利的社會及其所引起的貪嗔痴走向了自由,在旅程中發現處處充滿了人性的純粹善意與友誼,世界單純美麗的本質。


不論是信件或書籍,Pramuan Pengchan的目的都只有一個,向曾幫助或支持過他的人表示謝意,並分享其在旅途中所發現,充滿意義的人性美,這不是他個人的作品,而是諸多善舉及友誼的成品。



Pramuan Pengchan
Pramuan Pengchan was born on October 23, 1954 at Samui Island Thailand. Got Bachelor’s degree at Meerut University, India, Master’s degree in Philosophy at Panjab University, India, and Doctorate degree in Philosophy at Mysore University, India.
After studying until grade four and still very young, Pramuan Pengchan had to quit school and became a laborer to support his parents for seven years until he was seventeen years old. One day,
He saw his laborer friend was mistakenly shot and mortally wounded by the military in a communist suppression action. His grief due to seeing his friend die in front of him altered his life. Henceforth, he asked permission from his parents to become a junior monk. Being in the monkhood gave him the opportunity to study Buddhism and Pali Studies.The political upheaval on October 6, 1976, that led to the massacre of the civilians, filled him with grief and disappointment and had further impact on his life. He decided to go to India in search of knowledge.
He spent ten years in India and thence left the monkhood. After he returned to Thailand, he taught at Maha Chulalongkorn Ratchwitayalai in Chiang Mai and became a lecturer in the Department of Philosophy and Religion, Faculty of Humanities at Chiang Mai University. He resigned from his teaching on 2005 and began his walking travel.

Chinese (Traditional)

ประมวล เพ็งจันทร์(Pramuan Pengchan)
小學四年級時為了幫助家計輟學成為童工,度過七年的勞苦的歲月。17歲那一年,工作中他親眼目睹他的勞工同伴在軍隊的鎮壓活動中被誤射而重傷,事件對他造成衝擊,於是在徵得父母同意後,成為見習僧侶,開始學習佛教的教義與巴利語。泰國1976年發生的暴動導致許多國民被屠殺,Pramuan Pengchan對此感到失望與迷惘,他決定拋下僧侶的身分前往印度學習,並取得了哲學博士學位。十年後,他返國任教於清邁大學,除了教學生涯,他也熱心的投入公共事務,協助成立清邁午夜大學(Midnight University),並加入社會福利活動幫助泰國的貧苦人士。2005年10月,他辭去了教職,以步行的方式完成了他的尋根之旅。

Exhibited At: International book fairs
