Costumes for the films of Andrei Tarkovsky
Costume design and rare photos of Stalker, Solaris and The Mirror by Andrei Tarkovsky
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Published for the first time in a single volume are the sketches and photographs from the archive of Nelli Fomina, who designed the costumes for the films of Andrei Tarkovsky and was the director’s friend and ‘right-hand woman’ for many years. She contributed to the creation of films which were to become classics of world cinema: Solaris, The Mirror and Stalker. Her reminiscences contain many previously unknown details regarding the creation of these films. This book is not just a masterclass of how to use costume for the projection of the unique characters in those pictures, but also a ‘photograph album’. A large part of the book consists of photographs taken by Nelli Fomina on sets used for Stalker, which are reprinted here exclusively. Another important part of this volume brings the reader the reminiscences of Sergei Naugolnykh, who worked as the assistant camera man on Stalker. He shares with the reader his observations about how complex production issues were resolved on set.