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Fatherhood is a commitment that worries Max. Abused as a child, he has never known love and does not know what a family is, nor how he should love his child.

The Work
Two people love each other and their loneliness are magnetized. It sounds like a simple and luminous love story, but it is without counting on the shadows that Max hides behind his silences ...
Max is rather introverted and highly sensitive though, and somewhat distant too, even with his colleagues on building sites. When Halley finds out she is pregnant, they decide to get married.
Fatherhood is a commitment that worries Max. Abused as a child, he was placed in a foster family at a very young age. He has never known love and does not know what a family is, nor how he should love his child.
The birth of little Rosie will be the start of Max’s descent into hell, caught up in the whirlwind of unconditional and boundless fatherly love.
Out of love for his daughter and to avoid her suffering as he suffered as a child, Max decides to live on the streets. Rosie will have to learn to grow up with this different father, whom she seeks to hide not to be rejected by the other children at school.

Key Sales Points
- A book winner of the Lettres Frontière Award in 2020.
- An original and well written story which unsettles all of our certainties.
- A social panorama that illustrates the vicious spiral of an abused child becoming homeless out of love.
- Readers become truly attached to the characters of this moving story. How can a child grow up in such a singular family?
- A tormented love story, told with great modesty, finesse and delicacy.

More information: THEY WERE WAITING FOR ME

Exhibited At: International book fairs
