Windsocks and Boxes
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More About This Title Windsocks and Boxes


"Windsocks and Boxes is
A tool box
A repair kit
An answer for the ""people problems"" that are common to all of us

All too often the people in our lives do things wrong, say things they shouldn't, think in ways we don't like.

Yet we're supposed to love our neighbors as ourselves. How is that possible?

It is possible when we see things in a new light. When we find a peaceful place (or a good box) for the offending word or action. When we learn how to use our imaginary windsock. When we put to use the multiple practical, biblical strategies and tips outlined in these pages.

If your friend doesn't see things the way you do, if a neighbor criticizes you, if a co-worker bugs you, if the boss doesn't do it right, this book will help! It will show you that you can be free from anger and hurt feelings and rotten attitudes. It has real answers for real problems.


Exhibited At: International book fairs
