Our Father
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More About This Title Our Father


The Lord’s Prayer is essential to the Christian faith, yet the language and the ideas it conveys can be daunting to children. Our Father addresses children’s questions in a way that is both clear and poetic; Rainer Oberthür beautifully explains the meaning behind each line of the Lord’s Prayer, making it more accessible for young readers. With bold, inviting illustrations that perfectly complement the text, this book will give readers of all ages a deeper understanding of God and the meaning of faith.


Catholic News Service
"The Our Father is one of those prayers we memorize at an early age and recite without much thought and reflection. Adults can re-engage and children truly can learn about the meaning of the words of the prayer that Jesus gave to us in the Bible. Brightly colored images help illustrate the prayer which is broken down into smaller pieces for readers to understand and pray."

Chicago Tribune
"Extraordinary. . . . A book for the soul young or old or anywhere in between. Each line—alongside charming illustrations that beg to be studied closely—becomes a prayerful exegesis, unfurled in words that speak to the pure heart of the child. It's a book that will lull you into the sure and safe cove that is a building block of faith. And, chances are, you'll never again murmur mindlessly the words of 'Our Father.' Instead, you'll be awakened to the depths of its timelessness and its capacity to enfold the answers to all our deepest questions."

School Library Journal
"A lovely, family-friendly introduction to faith."

CBA Retailer + Resources
"Charming. . . . Lovely, somewhat collage-like illustrations are simple and easily accessible, but reward a deeper look."