If I Can, You Can! Be an Entrepreneur . . .
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More About This Title If I Can, You Can! Be an Entrepreneur . . .


"Dr. Hina Shah was expected to be a dutiful wife when she got married. Suddenly, all of her dreams were supposed to be put on hold.

But she desperately wanted to be her own hero, and despite society and familial expectations, she decided to venture into the exciting world of entrepreneurship.

She recounts her experiences in this business guide, outlining the discrimination, prejudices, and pressures that women throughout the world face that so often inhibits entrepreneurship. By exploring the doubts, fears, and conflicted emotions that aspiring women entrepreneurs face, she provides a roadmap to reestablishing individuality, questioning assumptions, and pursuing dreams.

After reading this book, every woman will understand and acquire requisite knowledge, skills, and behavioral competencies to build their own enterprise. Her conversation with readers will facilitate them to develop entrepreneurial attitudes, to generate business ideas, pursue them, and initiate their enterprise successfully.

If you desire to become economically independent and get more meaning out of your life while keeping relationships intact, then If I Can, You Can! Be an Entrepreneur . . . is for you."

Exhibited At: International book fairs
