How To Make Money at Car Boot Sales

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Every weekend, throughout the year, an enormous number of British people flock to Car Boot Sales. At any one event, hundreds of them are selling off unwanted possessions or inherited junk to free up space at home and raise useful extra money. But many thousands more are searching for incredible bargains and overlooked gems. This book is a comprehensive guide to both selling and buying. It gives you all the practical information you’ll need to be a success at either, as well as an insight into the mindset of both vendor and customer so you can make any "Boot" work to your advantage. For the would-be Car Boot Sale seller or buyer, every aspect is explained by an author who’s been through the process countless times.


Giles Chapman has been buying and selling all his life. He’s put some of this to good use by writing on collecting and investing in automobilia for Octane magazine; some of his 30+ books include Chapman’s Car Compendium and My Dad Had One Of Those, and elsewhere he has won awards for his consumer journalism.