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More About This Title WHAT SHALL WE DO TODAY?


Encourage your kids to get in touch with their creative side with What Shall We Do Today? For children, the experience of creating is every bit as important as the end result. Crafting will fire their imaginations and offers an inspiring alternative to endless hours in front of the computer of TV screen. What Shall We Do Today? is packed with more than 50 colourful, fun, and imaginative projects designed for boys and girls aged between 3-12 years. The book is arranged by season, and each section is crammed full of vibrant, appealing ideas for fun crafting activities, great gifts, and pretty decorations. Every project can be completed using readily available materials--just follow the step-by-step instructions and you can't go wrong.

* More than 60 funky and imaginative projects that will tempt kids away from the TV and keep them entertained during school breaks.

*Easy, fun projects invite kids to create independently as well as alongside adults.

*Vibrantly illustrated step-by-step projects utilize materials that are likely to be found around the house.

Chinese (Traditional)






1. 60款有趣且具想像力的作品,讓小朋友在假日可以遠離電視卻又同樣玩得開心。

2. 作品簡單有趣,即使沒有大人從旁協助,小朋友也可以獨力完成。

3. 簡單清楚容易跟著做的說明指示,步驟簡單且有按部就班的照片圖解,且具有成品的放大照片方便讀者確認細節。

4. 材料簡單易得手,不用花錢又環保。

Creative ideas ★★★★☆
January 20, 2010
I have 5 grandchildren aged 7 to 1, and this book has a lot of good ideas to keep the older ones entertained. I have a lot of the items on hand that can be used for the project. I was not disappointed in this book.
Reviewer: stretch13666

Excellent ★★★★★
January 19, 2010
I enjoyed this book very much. It has many projects to interest adults as well as children.
Reviewer: Louise

interesting crafts ★★★★★
January 19, 2010
I bought this book to give as a gift to the mother of two children ages 4 & 6 who are imaginative and crafty. As I paged through the book, I found a lot of interesting crafts using all types of craft material. Some of the material you might have on hand but others you may have to purchase. The directions appear to be easy enough to read and understand. As stated in the book description, it has crafts for all age and ability levels. I think this book is worth purchasing.
Reviewer: Mary

Chinese (Simplified)

对了,来做个可以真正浮在水面上,酷毙的帆船巴尔沙木模型好了?还是,做个可爱的松果小动物? 都不好玩的话,一起来做简单又好吃薄荷奶油软糖当点心 !!
利用随手可及的居家常备品加上凯瑟琳‧沃兰疯狂又好玩的创意,全家大小都能享受手作乐的乐趣, 并增进感情交流,并藉由参与手作,让孩子发挥创意巧思。
每一个作品都充满活力,制作过程是合诱发创意, 而且具有步骤图解,不怕会做不好。
1. 60款有趣且具想象力的作品,让小朋友在假日可以远离电视却又同样玩得开心。
2. 作品简单有趣,即使没有大人从旁协助,小朋友也可以独力完成。
3. 简单清楚容易跟着做的说明指示,步骤简单且有按部就班的照片图解,且具有成品的放大照片方便读者确认细节。
4. 材料简单易得,不用花钱又环保。


Catherine Woram studied fashion at the Royal College of Art in London. She has written for the Telegraph Magazine, Ideal Home, BBC good Homes, and Prima. She is the author of "Gifts for Baby", "Wedding Dress Style" and "Crafting With Kids" (also published by Ryland Peters & Small). Catherine lives in southwest London with her husband and two children.

Chinese (Traditional)

凱瑟琳‧沃蘭(Catherine Woram)
曾於倫敦聖馬丁藝術學院研習時尚,而後並取得皇家藝術學院時尚學科碩士學位。在眾多知名的報章雜誌上發表購物與室內設計裝潢的文章,包括有每日電訊雜誌(The Daily Telegraph Magazine)、理想居家(Ideal Home)、BBC好居家(BBC Good Homes)與珮瑪(Prima)。同時出版過多本親子手工藝作品:與孩子一起玩手工藝(Crafting with Kids)、給寶寶的手工小物(Gifts for Baby)、親子園藝(Gardening with Kids)、和孩子一起做的聖誕手工小物(Christmas Crafting with Kids)等。現居於倫敦,與兩個女兒安娜、潔西卡一起過著充滿手作樂趣的生活。

Chinese (Simplified)

凯瑟琳‧沃兰(Catherine Woram)
曾于伦敦圣马丁艺术学院研习时尚,而后并取得皇家艺术学院时尚学科硕士学位。在众多知名的报章杂志上发表购物与室内设计装潢的文章,包括有每日电讯杂志(The Daily Telegraph Magazine)、理想居家(Ideal Home)、BBC好居家(BBC Good Homes) 与佩玛(Prima)。同时出版过多本亲子手工艺作品: 与孩子一起玩手工艺(Crafting with Kids)、给宝宝的手工小物(Gifts for Baby)、亲子园艺(Gardening with Kids)、和孩子一起做的圣诞手工小物(Christmas Crafting with Kids)等。现居于伦敦,与两个女儿安娜、洁西卡一起过着充满手作乐趣的生活。

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